Say hello to our cutting-edge Discord bot, where community management meets fun and innovation. Looking to effortlessly manage your server while keeping the atmosphere lively and engaging? You're in the right place! Our bot brings together useful moderation tools, lots of entertaining commands, and even specialized features for aviation enthusiasts. Join the league of Discord servers that are revolutionizing the online community experience. Whether you're a seasoned admin or just starting your journey, our bot is your ultimate companion.
Make your server a safer place with these commands
Don't worry about troublemakers on your server anymore! With /kick & /ban commands, you can always remove people who violate the rules from your server. Safety first!
Want to teach troublemaker a lesson? Use /mute to remove their ability to talk on the server for a custom amount of time. Maybe that'll prevent them from violating rules in the future.
Want to simply warn a person from your server about not following the rules? We can do that too - use /warn, insert a description of the warning and they'll receive a warning in their DMs.
Something happened in your server chat and you don't want people to see it? Use /clear command, insert an amount of messages you want to remove, and InfinityBot will clean your place.
Someone set an inappropriate username and you don't want others to see it? Use /nick to change the displayed name of the user!
Need a fancy embed message for an announcement? We got you! Use /announce, insert the title & description of the message, choose the field color, enter the #channel you need and you're done!
Want to add or remove a specific user's role? Got it! Use /role, choose the operation, select the role you need, mention the user and you're done!
InfinityBot isTOOLS
Don't quit Discord to complete simple everyday tasks
Need to set a timer? Use /timer command and set it for a specific amount of time in seconds, minutes or hours. When the time passes, InfinityBot will ping you.
Got a math problem? Solve basic math problems with our bot's /calculator command - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division options are available.
Want to remind someone about something? It's easy to do with our universal /reminder tool - choose a user to remind, enter the reminder message, set the time before the message gets sent and wait - InfinityBot will do everything automatically!
Got a text you want to translate? Do it with our /translator command, by typing the text and choosing the language you need from our 15 languages list!
Need your members to choose something? Organize a poll with two voting options and let your server members choose the option they prefer - our /poll command can do that.
Want to know more about your server member? Use /userinfo and find out the server member's nickname, roles, permissions.
Need to leave the keyboard and want people to know you're not available? Use /afk set to enter your displayed AFK status, and /afk remove when you're back to chatting.
InfinityBot isFUN
Have fun using our bot with these commands
Find out your or someone else's smartness level in % with /smartrate (randomly generated).
Let the wise /Smartball answer your questions with yes, no or unsure replies options (randomly generated).
It is said we need at least four hugs a day for survival. Use /hug command and send virtual hugs to the server members!
See the % of compatibility level between two things or users (randomly generated).
Can't decide something? Use /flip a coin for InfinityBot to flip a coin & get a random Heads or Tails answer - this will help you make a decision.
Let InfinityBot generate a random number for you with the /random number command.
Let InfinityBot generate a random emoji for you with the /random emoji command.
Enjoy editing different images
Rotate someone's avatar by using /avatar rotate.
Apply sepia effect on someone's avatar using /avatar sepia.
Apply minor or major blur effect on someone's avatar by using /avatar blur.
Apply invert effect on someone's avatar by using /avatar invert.
Apply gray effect on someone's avatar by using /avatar grayscale.
Create a Google search image with your text.
Create a Windows error message with your text.
Create a YouTube search image with your text.
InfinityBot isAVIATION
Your favourite hobby is here too
Receive a random aircraft with the main information about it.
Receive main information about a plane you choose - 15 aircraft currently available.
Receive a random aviation fact.
There will be more aviation-related commands in InfinityBot in the future.
Ready to add InfinityBot to your server?
Join Infinity's Captain Membership to get InfinityBot and even more epic perks, featuring all Infinity's Crew & First Officer levels, exclusive branded wallpapers & more! (Monthly fee: $2.99)
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